About Me
About Me
Caroline Bommers
I am a certified intuitive eating & weight loss coach who is on a mission to free super-busy women from emotional eating and yo-yo dieting. I am committed to help as many women to feel light emotionally and physically! I help super busy women reconnect with themselves and reach their dream weight.

My story
I've been where you are
I have always been hyper-focused on my career. I quickly climbed the ranks until I found myself managing a company with employees under my responsibility, in addition to a turnover grew even faster. From the outside, my life seemed perfect.
Inside… it was never enough.
I kept raising the bar in all areas of my life, including for my WEIGHT and PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. Until one day…
I was diagnosed with a BURNOUT. The stress, emotions, and pressure I put on myself led me to MENTAL and PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION… I had to slow down for 2 years…
I started practicing meditation, to calm my mind and soothe panic attacks. Even though my food cravings had decreased a bit… they always came back whenever I felt discomfort, strong emotions, or stress… I always thought it was a lack of discipline on my part… Then one day, I realized this cylce kept repeating itself, over and over.
I decided to try another approach, to sit down with myself and to analyse my pattenrs.
And then, it HIT ME!
I was NUMBING my feelings, my emotions.
So I stopped avoiding these emotions. I started taking care of them, defusing, analyzing fear, sadness, fatigue, lack of self-esteem, and all the others.
To welcome emotions as MESSAGES. I understood that my emotions affected my eating behaviour.
So I learned to MANAGE my emotions and NEVER AGAIN use food as EUTHANASIA… And in addition to the physical weight I lost… I felt much lighter emotionally! By sharing my experience with people around me, I noticed that I was not alone. Many people, mainly women, eat for emotional reasons.
I felt a deep need to help these women achieve this physical and emotional lightness. I wanted them to get through it, like I did.
So I compiled my notes, my experience, all the tools that had contributed to my liberation from emotional and physical weight into a Masterclass, which I tested and retested. I trained myself.
And that’s my belight Masterclass, based on EMPIRICAL knowledge, experience, and formalized with coaching and intuitive eating training. I have already helped dozens of women achieve physical and emotional lightness, and I can help YOU TOO 💛
Reach your happy weight
1:1 Coaching
12 weeks Masterclass